Thursday, January 9, 2020

Body Language Essay - 704 Words

Body Language and Nonverbal communication Nonverbal communication is defined as the conscious and unconscious reactions, movements, and utterances that people use in addition to the words and symbols associated with language. Nonverbal communication is very important since 50 percent or more of the message were trying to get across is conveyed by verbal communication. The first verbal message to be aware of is facial expressions. The face is what people first focus on so its obviously important to be aware of what message were giving off with our face. Suspicion and anger are often shown by tightness along the jaw. Smiles are proof of agreement and interest, but dont bite your lip because that signals uncertainty. Next to†¦show more content†¦Sitting forward or leaning forward in a chair may show a positive interest to what is being discussed. Also, sitting back in a chair, or on the arm of a chair, or on the edge of a table shows superiority and power. Although, Leaning away suggests disinterest, distrust and even boredom. Posture that is rigid can show inflexibility and defensiveness. Sloppy posture conveys disinterest in the topic being discussed. Proxemics is next to consider and refers to â€Å"the personal distance that individuals prefer to keep between themselves and other individuals and is and important element of nonverbal communication.† This is a very serious and meaningful part of the selling process because the distance you put between yourself and the other person can affect the outcome of the sale. If the salesperson doesnt give enough space between them the customer may feel threatened, intimidated, and that the salesperson may be manipulative. If the salesperson gives too much space the customer may view the salesperson as being apprehensive, aloof, formal or too rigid. The intimate zone which is 0-2 feet around the person is specifically for loved ones such as family members. The personal zone which is 2-4 feet around the person is is reserved for close friends and associates. The social zone which is 4 to 12 feet around the person is used for business relationships. The public zone which is beyond 12Show MoreRelatedNonverbal Behavior And Body Language954 Words   |  4 Pages Body language, while easily overlooked as a means of communication, is used every day when people interact with one another. We interact beyond words by using what we call nonverbal signals. According to many experts in this field, such as James C. McCroskey and Virginia P. Richmond, the authors of Nonverbal Behavior in Interpersonal Relations, body language makes a huge difference in our daily communication. 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