Monday, February 17, 2020

Organisational Behaivior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Organisational Behaivior - Assignment Example However, all this changed after 2002, as Luxborough Chiltern increased in size and acquired more employees and projects. The lack of documentation suggests that no formal change management process was implemented and changes made were reactionary and not enacted with the participation of those undertaking tasks. The effects of the absence of a change management programme led to the gradual attrition of skilled labour for a variety of reasons. Certain policies were discontinued without prior consultation or regard to the employees it may affect. Actions such as these, had the effect of invalidating the organisational motto of "Transparency and Fairness for All" as the emphasis was placed on a certain category of employees. This pattern was followed in the reward system with bonuses which excluded a significant portion of the workforce. No consultation were held with regards to salary review, and as a result highly skilled employees have left the organisation as they believe their contribution and qualifications are not adequately recognised and rewarded. Immense pressure was being placed on meeting targets, and this pressure made it difficult for employees to be flexible and meet other commitments for fear of disappointing their respective teams. The list is endless; however the main underlying theme with the problems facing Luxborough Chiltern is that of a lack of communication between the managerial levels and the operational levels. Too many assumptions and judgements are being made which are having an adverse impact on the quantity and quality of the work produced. This lack of communication has been responsible for the resistance to change in this organisation, which has manifested as poor retention rates. If this is not addressed with urgency, Luxborough Chiltern will face a decline as it loses its value - which is its workforce. The recommendations for this situation have to start at the basic level, which is the 8 step change management model, which will form the basis for other additional programmes to rectify this situation. The onus is on the management of Luxborough Chiltern to acknowledge their contribution to this problem, and to recognise that the solutions lie in listening to and involving their workforce. Introduction Following Luxborough Chiltern's (LC) successful amalgamation of several organisations, the organisation has become one of the largest planning consultancies in the country. LC has grown from being a medium sized employer to being one that employs several hundred people. However, it as been an observation that this growth is having a negative effect on LCs retention rate, which is a cause for concern. If our retention rate continues on this downward spiral, this organisation could face serious threats to its reputation, as it would have lost its most valuable resource and the knowledge and expertise entwined within its employees. The problem with the retention rate has really been highlighted by the situation facing the Scarlett team which is now the smallest team in the organisation, and it is also the team that is experiencing a high rate of resignations. The manager for the Scarlett team is new to the organisation and has different

Monday, February 3, 2020

Development of database security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of database security - Essay Example The database security is concerned with the unauthorized access or misuse of the authorized user which leads to the leakage of personal or potential information. A database is said to be a reliable data storage source if it does not compromise on confidentiality (data security), integrity (the correctness of data) and availability. The integrity of data is dependent on the data gathering and storing process, moreover, if the database could be accessed by unauthorized users can influence the correctness of data. Therefore, it can be stated that the database security is one of the critical factors to be achieved in developing a dependable database. There are many techniques could be utilized for developing a secured database (Kayarkar, n.d) includes the access control (implementing data access rights to the users), database monitoring (to review the actions performed on the database), authentication (identifying the accurate user) and encryption (data encoding). Moreover, the data can be made secure by the application security and database integrity controls. The Elmasri and Navathe in 2004 a methodology have been introduced for developing a database design. The database designing methodology has following three (3) main phases include the Conceptual database design, Logical database design, and Physical database design. As the objective of this document s to present a review of the database security concerns for avoiding illegal access, therefore, the document limits the discussion to the logical database design phase.